
Intro to Hazardous Materials & Workbook

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Includes new chapter on Destructive Leadership!

The Fifth Edition of Peter G. Northouse's bestselling Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice provides readers with a clear, concise overview of the complexities of practicing leadership and concrete strategies for becoming better leaders. The text is organized around key leader responsibilities such as creating a vision, establishing a constructive climate, listening to outgroup members, and overcoming obstacles. Case studies, self-assessment questionnaires, observational exercises, and reflection and action worksheets engage readers to apply leadership concepts to their own lives. Grounded in leadership theory and the latest research, the fully updated, highly practical Fifth Edition includes a new chapter on destructive leadership, 18 new cases, and 5 new Leadership Snapshots.

Also available as a digital option (courseware). Learn more about Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, Fifth Edition - Vantage Digital Option.

Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology

Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology

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Emphasizing safe and effective drug administration, Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 10th Edition, helps you understand the principles of pharmacology and prevent medication errors. It promotes safety by showing how drugs and drug classes work, so you can understand why drugs are given, as well as the adverse effects and drug interactions that may occur. A thorough nursing process section with each drug class outlines the nurse's role when administering drugs. The updated Get Ready for the Next Generation NCLEX(R) Examination! feature offers case studies with Next Generation NCLEX-format questions to help you prepare for the new licensure examination.

  • Ideal scope of content and readability for LPN/LVN programs includes basic, need-to-know pharmacology content.
  • Safety Alert boxes highlight important nursing considerations for safe medication administration and monitoring.
  • Lifespan Considerations boxes for children and older adults draw attention to information that would be especially important when giving a specific drug to patients of those age groups.
  • A focus on understanding drug classes helps students understand the actions and uses of drug classes and provides a framework for safe, effective practice as new drugs are introduced to the market.
  • Video clips on medication administration procedures provide students with a visual reference for safe medication administration.
  • Key terms with phonetic pronunciations and text page references help improve students' terminology and language skills before they enter clinical practice.
  • Essential content is highlighted throughout the text, as in all of Elsevier's LPN Threads textbooks, with features such as Top Tips for Safety, Memory Joggers, and Lifespan Considerations boxes.
  • NEW! Get Ready for the Next Generation NCLEX(R) Examination! section includes key points, review questions, and case studies with Next Generation NCLEX-format questions to prepare students for the new licensure examination.
  • NEW! Reorganized chapters break up lengthy content and more logically present pharmacological content by body system or major disorder.
  • UPDATED! Coverage of newly approved and updated pharmaceutical treatments and drugs prepares students for practice.


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    Writing with his usual flair and reader-friendly style, renowned scholar, author, and lecturer Ben Witherington III offers a balanced approach to the New Testament in this faith-friendly introductory text. An ideal textbook for college survey courses, this volume is also captivating reading for seminary students and general readers.


    * Numerous dynamic color photos keep students engaged

    * Maps and charts provide visual overviews at a glance

    * Marginal definitions bring students up to speed on new concepts

    * Chapter-ending study questions review key ideas and encourage reflection

    * First-century quotations expose students to the world of the New Testament

    * "A Closer Look" boxes cover more advanced topics



    $88.50 - $118.25
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    Featuring a unique, consistent, and modular chapter structure--"Teachings," "History," and "Ways of Life"--and numerous pedagogical features, Invitation to World Religions invites students to explore the world's great religions with respect and a sense of wonder. This chapter structure enables students to navigate each religion in a consistent and systematic way and helps students to make comparisons between religions. The book describes the essential features of each religion and shows how the religions have responded to basic human needs and to the cultural contexts in which they developed. The authors also encourage students to develop an appreciation for what religious beliefs and practices actually mean to their adherents.


    A consistent, modular chapter structure--"Teachings, "History," and "Ways of Life"--enables students to navigate each religion in a consistent and systematic way and helps them to make comparisons between religions

    A lucid and accessible writing style imparts a sense of invitation, welcoming students into the beliefs and practices of religious adherents around the world

    A large team of authors with diverse specialties ensures that each religion is covered with true expertise

    "Voices" presents personal, candid interviews with a diverse array of people share the ways in which they live their faiths

    "Seeking Answers" sections at the end of each chapter encourage students to compare the ways in which different religions address the same essential questions

    "Visual Guides" offer keys to important religious symbols in easy-to-read tables for quick reference and comparison

    Chapter-opening maps and timelines throughout the text provide geographical, social, and political context for each religion's development

    "For Review" and "For Further Reflection" questions prompt students to reexamine essential concepts and invite students to think critically and to engage in deeper analyses

    Key terms are boldfaced at their first appearance and defined in the glossaries that follow each chapter and also in the glossary at the back of the book

    Suggestions for further reading direct students to some of the best and most recent print and online resources on each tradition

    A wealth of rich, robust, and relevant color photographs and illustrations keep students visually engaged


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    Presents a survey of global culture designed for students of humanities, cultural history, and history of the arts. This book highlights the monuments of the human imagination - those works of art and architecture, literature, philosophy, and music that have been foremost in shaping the world's cultures. It includes a student DVD-ROM.


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    All travelers appreciate a personal guide. For humanities students, LANDMARKS provides a chronological journey through the history of culture in one semester. Focusing on prominent landmarks from prehistory to the present, LANDMARKS introduces students to the creative endeavors of the human imagination and to the prominent ideas and issues that have shaped the course and character of the world's cultures. The landmarks that mark this journey are the great works of their place and time; they have been transmitted from generation to generation as a living legacy. Understanding that a global humanities course is taught in varying ways, Gloria Fiero redefines the discipline for greater flexibility via a variety of personalized digital tools that meet and refine your teaching goals in less time. Enhanced by McGraw-Hill Education's SmartBook 2.0, Fiero delivers a learning experience tailored to the needs of each institution, instructor, and student. With the ability to incorporate new extended readings, streaming music, and artwork, LANDMARKS renews the understanding of the relationship between world cultures and humankind's creative legacy.

    LANDMARKS is unique in several ways:

    -It is interdisciplinary: it explores the interrelationship of various modes of expression - art, music, literature - as they work to create, define, and reflect the unique culture of a given time and place.

    -It is thematic: each chapter advances a key idea, presented in the chapter title and explained in the introductory paragraph. The key idea offers a context for individual landmarks as they unfold chronologically. For instance, Chapter 1 ("Origins: The First Civilizations") surveys our earliest cultures, emphasizing human strategies for survival and communal life; Chapter 14 ("Modernism: The Assault on Tradition") considers the radical rejection of conventional values and styles that revolutionized early twentieth-century culture.

    -It is selective: some landmarks have been chosen for their universality, some for their singular beauty, and some for their iconic or symbolic value. Certain landmarks - the Statue of Liberty, the Mona Lisa, the sonnets of Shakespeare - meet more than one of these criteria. The author's choice of landmarks may differ from those of other individuals, and readers may wish to add landmarks of their own.

    **Available exclusively on McGraw-Hill Create(R), the Traditions Collection contains western and non-western readings as well as ancient and contemporary offerings, hand selected from a number of different disciplines, such as literature, philosophy, and science. Find the readings here: www.mcgrawhillcreate.com/traditions

    lazas MindTap Access Card

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    MindTap for Hershberger/Navey-Davis/Guiomarr's Plazas, Enhanced, 5th Edition helps you learn on your terms. INSTANT ACCESS IN YOUR POCKET. Take advantage of the MindTap Mobile App to learn on your terms. Read or listen to textbooks and study with the aid of instructor notifications, flashcards and practice quizzes. MINDTAP HELPS YOU CREATE YOUR OWN POTENTIAL. GEAR UP FOR ULTIMATE SUCCESS. Track your scores and stay motivated toward your goals. Whether you have more work to do or are ahead of the curve, you�ll know where you need to focus your efforts. And the MindTap Green Dot will charge your confidence along the way. MINDTAP HELPS YOU OWN YOUR PROGRESS. MAKE YOUR TEXTBOOK YOURS. No one knows what works for you better than you. Highlight key text, add notes and create custom flashcards. When it�s time to study, everything you�ve flagged or noted can be gathered into a guide you can organize.


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    This practical book provides entry-level project tools and skills for newcomers to project management. It helps student teams become more effective at doing course projects by learning and applying project management tools and techniques. It also provides invaluable skills that students can utilize when they enter the workplace. Chapters focusing on project initiation and planning are followed by coverage of the human resource issues involved in project leadership and how to write up project reports. Appendices introduce the use of earned value analysis and show how critical paths are calculated.


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    NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of the MyLab(TM)and Mastering(TM) platforms exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use MyLab or Mastering, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will provide. Used books, rentals, and purchases made outside of Pearson If purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson, the access codes for the MyLab platform may not be included, may be incorrect, or may be previously redeemed. Check with the seller before completing your purchase. For undergraduate courses in the legal environment of business. This ISBN is for the MyLab access card. Pearson eText is included. Cutting-edge cases and comprehensive coverage of the legal environment of business The Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Ethics, and Global Issues examines how the current legal and e-commerce environments, and government regulations impact today's business decisions. The cases in this text are cutting-edge, exciting, and engaging, and the reasoning of each case is presented in the language of the court. The 9th Edition has been updated with all new cases, statutes, and questions, so students have the opportunity to not only learn about the law, but also apply it to their personal and professional lives. Personalize learning with MyLab Management By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.For example, Mini Sims put students in professional roles and give them the opportunity to apply course concepts and develop decision-making skills through real-world business challenges.
    Little Known Tales in Oklahoma History

    Little Known Tales in Oklahoma History

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    The Oklahoma Land Rush was a madhouse scene that brought both smiles and heartache to its participants.There is also the wonderful story about Cherokee Indian Lewis Ross who drilled for water but failed. He wasn't disappointed though, as he struck oil instead.Then there's the wild and woolly No-Man's land in the Oklahoma Panhandle where outlaws could hide without fear of the law. There was no law.No history of Oklahoma would be complete without a run-down on its favorite son, the ever-humorous Will Rogers.


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    LPN to RN Transitions, 5th Edition makes it easy for you to advance in your nursing career with all of the essential information you need to pursue your RN degree and practice as a registered nurse. This new edition includes practical information on role transition, cultural competency, delegation, interprofessional collaboration, professional writing, and more. Plus, newly revised and updated chapters provide the latest information for one complete, indispensable resource to help you succeed in everything from the classroom to clinical practice!

  • Clear, succinct coverage
  • helps you understand the issues that an RN must address for a successful practice.
  • Respect for the accomplishments of the LPN is emphasized throughout the text.
  • Engaging design and thoughtful exercises keep you focused on key concepts and learning objectives.
  • Critical thinking questions at the end of every chapter reinforce your understanding of important content.
  • Patient scenarios and Application to Practice boxes challenge you to apply your knowledge to real-world clinical situations.
  • FYI boxes encourage you to think about how your day-to-day interactions will change as an RN.
  • Key Terms and Key Points help you learn vocabulary words and concepts related to the topic being discussed.
  • NEW! Interprofessional collaboration coverage
  • prepares you to work effectively with other members of the healthcare team.
  • NEW! Information on trauma-Informed care prepares you to deliver care with a person-centered approach, which promotes a collaborative, trusting, respectful, and emotionally supportive care environment.
  • NEW! Coverage of competencies for the RN gives you a clear vision of what skills registered nursing encompasses and how they differ from practical or vocational nursing.
  • UPDATED! Next Generation NCLEX(R)-style content prepares you for the upcoming changes to the NCLEX-RN(R) exam.
  • EXPANDED! Additional information on key topics enhances coverage of time management, preparing for class, self-care, prioritization, outcomes and cost containment, mandatory reporting, and case management for chronic illness across all settings, including home care.


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    Build your skills in the science and art of maternity and pediatric nursing! Maternal-Child Nursing, 6th Edition makes it easy to understand the essentials of women's health, maternity, and children's nursing care. It simplifies the steps of the nursing process and relates them to care, helping you develop clinical judgment skills and provide safe, effective care in evidence-based practice. This edition adds case studies preparing you for the new Next Generation NCLEX(R) examination. Best of all, active learning tools and features make it fun to master nursing concepts, offering plenty of opportunities to apply your knowledge to the practice setting.

  • Nursing Care Plans help students apply the nursing process to plan individualized care in the most common maternity and pediatric situations.
  • Clinical Reference sections in pediatrics chapters provide basic information on disorders and their related anatomy and physiology, differences in body systems between children and adults, commonly used drugs, lab values, diagnostic tests, and procedures.
  • Clinical Judgment boxes highlight situations designed to test clinical judgment skills.
  • Health Promotion boxes highlight information needed to perform a comprehensive assessment of well infants and children at various ages.
  • Safety Alerts emphasize what is important to remember when providing safe and optimal quality care.
  • Pathophysiology boxes present an illustrated overview of illnesses and how to manage them.
  • Want to Know boxes provide teaching guidelines, including sample answers for questions that are likely to be asked or topics that need to be taught.
  • Communication Cues offer practical tips for verbal and nonverbal communication with patients and families.
  • Glossary at the end of the book gives students quick access to all key terms and definitions.
  • NEW! Next Generation NCLEX(R) (NGN) examination-style case studies expose students to how content will be tested in the exam; case studies are either single-situation or unfolding studies.
  • NEW! Updated Drug Guides summarize the latest information on medications.


    $144.75 - $193.00
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    MATH AND SCIENCE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, Eighth Edition, is an introduction to engaging math and science experiences for early childhood and early elementary education programs, and provides an organized, sequential approach to creating a developmentally appropriate math and science curriculum. The content aligns with key guidelines and standards: The National Association for the Education of Young Children's (NAEYC) Professional Preparation Standards (2010); Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) guidelines; Common Core Mathematics Standards; and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The book also addresses STEM/STEAM and the essential domains of child growth and development during the crucial birth-through-eight age range. A valuable resource for the student/future teacher, working professional, or involved parent, MATH AND SCIENCE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN emphasizes the interrelatedness of math and science and how they can be integrated into all other curriculum areas.

    McGraw Connect - The Physical Universe

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    Medical Terminology Online (Access Code)

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    MindTap for Lamanna/Riedmann/Stewart's Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society

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    MindTap for Mooney /Clever /Van Willigen's Understanding Social Problems, 1 term Printed Access Card

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    MindTap Psychology, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card for Weiten /Dunn /Hammer's Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century

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    Mosaicos: Spanish as a World Language, Volume 1

    Mosaicos: Spanish as a World Language, Volume 1

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    MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- Combo Access Card -- 18 week

    MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- Combo Access Card -- 18 week

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    MyLab Statistics w/Pearson eText - Access Card - Statistics for Business and Economics (18 wks)

    MyLab Statistics w/Pearson eText - Access Card - Statistics for Business and Economics (18 wks)

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    For courses in Introduction to Business Statistics.

    This ISBN is for the 18-week MyLab access card. Pearson eText is included.

    Real data. Real decisions. Real business.

    Statistics for Business and Economics by McClave, Benson, and Sincich introduces statistics in the context of contemporary business. Inference is emphasized, with extensive coverage of data collection and analysis as needed to evaluate the reported results of statistical studies and make good decisions. The authors apply concepts with real data. Technology is used to help students develop statistical thinking and understand the assessment of credibility and the value of the inferences made from data--both by those who consume and by those who produce them. The 14th Edition continues to highlight the discussion of ethical, data driven decision making and offers substantial updates to the accompanying MyLab(R) Statistics course.

    Personalize learning with MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText

    This flexible digital platform combines unrivaled content, online assessments, and customizable features to personalize learning and improve results.

    Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook available within MyLab that lets you read, highlight, and take notes all in one place.

    NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to confirm the correct ISBN. Several versions of the MyLab(R) and Mastering(R) platforms exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use MyLab or Mastering, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will provide.

    Used books, rentals, and purchases made outside of Pearson

    If purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson, the access codes for the MyLab platform may not be included, may be incorrect, or may be previously redeemed. Check with the seller before completing your purchase.



    $61.75 - $82.50
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    The Ninth Edition offers more complete works and more teachable groupings than ever before, the apparatus you trust, and a new, free Supplemental Ebook with more than 1,000 additional texts. Read by more than 8 million students, The Norton Anthology of English Literature sets the standard and remains an unmatched value.

    The Norton Anthology of English Literature is now available as an interactive ebook, at just a fraction of the print price.

    Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care

    Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care

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    What makes a good nurse leader or patient care manager? Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care, 3rd Edition provides a comprehensive, evidence-based guide to the skills and competencies you need to lead effectively. Coverage includes a wide range of management concepts, such as prioritization, delegation, and care management in a hospital setting. To prepare you for today's healthcare challenges, the book helps you master the staff nurse's role in human resource management, relationship management, diversity, and shared decision making. From noted educators Kathleen Motacki and Kathleen Burke, this text prepares you for success on the Next Generation NCLEX(R) exam and helps you meet the job requirements of magnet-status hospitals.

  • Comprehensive coverage
  • addresses the roles and responsibilities of the manager of patient care position, core competencies required of nurses caring for patients, and a wide range of management concepts that new nurses need to know before they enter practice.
  • Strong focus on "management of care" includes areas in which you will be tested on the NCLEX-RN(R) examination, such as prioritization, delegation, and assignment.
  • Clinical Corner and Evidence-Based Practice boxes include real-world tips and advice on patient or client management, as well as current research and best practices.
  • NCLEX(R) Examination Questions at the end of each chapter help you review important content.
  • Learning features in each chapter include objectives, key terms, critical thinking case scenarios, and application exercises.
  • Expert author team represents years of teaching experience in nursing leadership and management.
  • NEW! Next Generation NCLEX(R) (NGN) examination-style case studies at the end of each section familiarize you to the way that content will be tested in the new NGN exam.
  • NEW! Leadership roles/competencies and evidence-based practice examples are included from across the care continuum: ambulatory care, long-term care, and community-based care.
  • NEW! Content on management in a culturally diverse healthcare environment relates to both hospital staff and patients.
  • NEW! Additional Evidence-Based Practice boxes relate to "innovation" topics in leadership and management.
  • NEW! Updated organization reflects the Magnet Recognition (2019) and Pathways to Excellence (2016) standards, allowing you to learn the skills and competencies that magnet status hospitals require when hiring nurses.


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    The approach to the book is analogous to a toolkit. The user will open the book and locate the tool that best fits the ergonomic assessment task he/she is performing. The chapters of the book progress from the concept of ergonomics, through the various assessment techniques, and into the more complex techniques. In addition to discussing the techniques, this book presents them in a form that the readers can readily adapt to their particular situation. Each chapter, where applicable, presents the technique discussed in that chapter and demonstrates how it is used. The supporting material at the end of each chapter contains exercises, case studies and review questions. The case study section of the book presents how to use techniques to analyze a range of workplace scenarios.

    Topics include: The Basics of Ergonomics; Anthropometry; Office Ergonomics; Administrative Controls; Biomechanics; Hand Tools; Vibration; Workstation Design; Manual Material Handling; Job Requirements and Physical Demands Survey; Ergonomic Survey Tools; Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders; How to Conduct an Ergonomics Assessment; and Case Studies



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    Early Oklahoma was a haven for violent outlaws and a death trap for deputy U.S. marshals. The infamous Doolin gang's OK Hotel gunfight left five dead. Killers like Bible-quoting choir leader Deacon Jim Miller wreaked havoc. Gunslinger femme fatale Belle S

    OnMusic Appreciation Access Card

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    Organizational Behavior

    Organizational Behavior

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    Why does organizational behavior matter - isn't it just common sense?

    Organizational Behavior: A Skill-Building Approach helps students answer this by providing insight into OB concepts and processes through an interactive skill-building approach. Translating the latest research into practical applications and best practices, authors Christopher P. Neck, Jeffery D. Houghton, and Emma L. Murray unpack how managers can develop their managerial skills to unleash the potential of their employees. The text examines how individual characteristics, group dynamics, and organizational factors affect performance, motivation, and job satisfaction, providing students with a holistic understanding of OB. Packed with critical thinking opportunities, experiential exercises, and self-assessments, the new Second Edition provides students with a fun, hands-on introduction to the fascinating world of OB.

    Pathophysiology Custom Package

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    The Physical Universe, 17e by Konrad Krauskopf and Arthur Beiser is an outstanding text with a long history. For the 17th edition, real student data points and input, derived from thousands of our LearnSmart and SmartBook users, were used to guide the revision. Heat Maps provided clear visual snapshots of usage of portions of the text and the relative difficulty students experienced in mastering the content. This data was used to direct many of the revisions for this new edition. Of course, many updates have also been made according to changing scientific data, based on current events and so forth. Aimed at presenting the essentials of physics, chemistry, earth science, and astronomy in a clear, easy-to-understand way, The Physical Universe shows students how science works, how scientists approach problems, and why science constantly evolves in its search for understanding.


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    Police Community Relations and the Adminstration of Justice

    Police Community Relations and the Adminstration of Justice

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    For courses in Police Community Relations or Community Policing

    An up-to-date, interdisciplinary approach to understanding and practicing positive police-community relations

    Police-Community Relations and the Administration of Justice, Ninth Edition, continues the theme of citizen participation, emphasizes why it is critical to the effectiveness of the criminal justice system, and addresses the dynamic nature of police-community relations. The book focuses on the importance of and strategies for positive police-community interactions and addresses the internal and external communities the police serve. The text's interdisciplinary approach draws data and discussions from a wide range of disciplines and gives students a well-rounded perspective to help them better understand and practice positive police-community relations. The Ninth Edition includes updated data and references throughout; new ideas for addressing the ongoing changes in police-community relations; new insights on how the police organization fits with the community it serves; enhanced information on the dynamics of policing realities; a look at the different levels of communication and how to improve communications; the relationships between the media and the police; and more.

    Positive Child Guidance

    Positive Child Guidance

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    Updated with critical advances in research along with new NAEYC standards, Miller's POSITIVE CHILD GUIDANCE, 9th Edition, equips you with practical skills to guide, support and cope with a wide range of child behaviors. For a learning environment to thrive, it must be safe, individual rights must be respected and learners must accept responsibility for their actions. The author outlines workable steps for creating a cooperative, respectful community of children and adults, with special emphasis on social justice, cultural sensitivity and developmentally appropriate practice. This book provides insight into children's struggle to understand their own emerging needs and feelings while learning to meet adult expectations. You'll find a wealth of practical, effective and flexible guidance strategies based on principles of straightforward communication, respect and assertiveness.


    $189.00 - $252.00
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    POSITIVE CHILD GUIDANCE, Eighth Edition, equips readers with information on how to guide, manage, and cope with the behavior of children. The book provides insight into children's efforts to understand their own emerging needs and feelings while coping with adult expectations. The author outlines workable steps for creating a cooperative, respectful community of children and adults, with special emphasis on sensitivity to cultural needs, cultural differences, and developmentally appropriate practice. You'll also find a range of practical, effective, and flexible guidance strategies based on principles of straightforward communication and assertiveness. This new edition includes critical advances in research and addresses the cultural trends that are changing the way babies and children are cared for today.


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    A WALL STREET JOURNAL, USA TODAY, AND PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BESTSELLER. The newest official release of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition includes four different formats--spiral-bound and tabbed, paperback, hardcover, and ebook, all of which are in full color. It is the official source for APA Style.

    With millions of copies sold worldwide in multiple languages, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition is the style manual of choice for writers, researchers, editors, students, and educators in the social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences, nursing, communications, education, business, engineering, and other fields.

    Known for its authoritative, easy-to-use reference and citation system, the Publication Manual also offers guidance on choosing the headings, tables, figures, language, and tone that will result in powerful, concise, and elegant scholarly communication. It guides users through the scholarly writing process--from the ethics of authorship to reporting research through publication. The seventh edition is an indispensable resource for students and professionals to achieve excellence in writing and make an impact with their work.

    The seventh edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect best practices in scholarly writing and publishing.

  • All formats are in full color, with a new tabbed spiral version
  • Easy navigation, with topics divided into numbered sections to help users quickly location the information they need
  • Resources for students on writing and formatting annotated bibliographies, response papers, and other paper types, guidelines on citing course materials, and guidance on writing clearly, precisely, and concisely
  • Dedicated chapter for new users of APA Style covering paper elements and format, including sample papers for both professional authors and student writers
  • New chapter on journal article reporting standards (JARS) that includes updates to reporting standards for quantitative research and the first-ever qualitative and mixed methods reporting standards in APA Style
  • Updated chapter on bias-free language guidelines for writing about people with respect and inclusivity in areas including age, disability, gender, participation in research, racial and ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality
  • Updated chapter on essential style guidelines for scholarly writing, including punctuation, italics, capitalization, abbreviations, and numbers
  • More than 40 new sample tables and figures
  • Expanded guidance on ethical writing and publishing practices, including how to ensure the appropriate level of citation, avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism, and navigate the publication process
  • More than 100 new reference examples covering periodicals, books, audiovisual media, social media, webpages and websites, legal resources, and many other document types
  • Guidelines that support accessibility for all users, including simplified reference, in-text citation, and heading formats as well as additional font options


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    Learn proven strategies to prepare for nursing school tests and the NCLEX(R) exam! 2024-2025 Saunders Clinical Judgment and Test-Taking Strategies: Passing Nursing School and the NCLEX(R) Exam, 8th Edition provides tools to help you overcome test anxiety, develop strong study skills, and improve test scores. You'll gain insight into key nursing areas such as clinical judgment, prioritization, leading and managing, communication, and pharmacology. In the book and on the Evolve companion website, 1,200 practice questions represent all question types - including alternate item formats and new test items for the Next Generation NCLEX(R). Written by leading NCLEX experts Linda and Angela Silvestri, this essential resource offers the practical tips and realistic practice you need to succeed on any exam!

  • Helpful Tips for the Nursing Student
  • are provided with every practice question to highlight the most important concepts needed for exam success.
  • UNIQUE! Student-to-Student Tips highlight real-life strategies that have helped other students successfully complete nursing school and pass the NCLEX(R) exam.
  • Focus on test-taking strategies helps you develop essential clinical judgment skills and prepares you to find the correct answer to all types of test questions.
  • Categorization of questions by beginning, intermediate, or advanced level makes this book a useful tool throughout your nursing program.
  • 1,200 practice questions in the book and on the companion Evolve website include detailed rationales and test-taking strategies.
  • Practice question categories on the companion Evolve website include the level of cognitive ability, client needs, integrated process, clinical judgment/cognitive skill, content area, priority concepts, alternate item formats, and strategy.
  • NEW! Additional Next Generation NCLEX(R) (NGN) unfolding case studies and single-episode item types
  • are included on the Evolve companion website, preparing you for the changes to the NCLEX(R) exam.
  • NEW! NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (NCJMM) updates and new item types are included throughout the book.


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    Prepare for success on the NCLEX-RN(R) exam with this complete review! Often called the best NCLEX(R) exam review book ever, Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN(R) Examination reviews all nursing content areas related to the current test plan. This new edition includes 5,700 NCLEX exam-style questions in the book and online, including alternate items formats and Next Generation NCLEX questions. Don't make the mistake of assuming the quality of the questions is the same in all NCLEX exam review books, because only this book includes the kinds of questions that consistently test the clinical judgment skills necessary to pass today's NCLEX exam. Even better, all answers include detailed rationales to help you learn from your answer choices as well as test-taking strategies with tips on how to best approach each question. Written by the most trusted names in NCLEX review, Linda Anne Silvestri and Angela Elizabeth Silvestri, this is THE book of choice for NCLEX preparation. But don't just take our word for it - read any customer review or ask your classmates to see why there's nothing else like it!
  • More than 5,700 practice questions
  • in the text and on the Evolve website offer ample testing practice.
  • UNIQUE! Detailed test-taking strategy is included for each question, offering clues for analyzing and uncovering the correct answer option, with rationales provided for both correct and incorrect answers.
  • UNIQUE! Pyramid Points icons indicate important information, identifying content that is likely to appear on the NCLEX-RN(R) examination.
  • UNIQUE! Pyramid Alerts appear in red text and highlight important nursing concepts, and identify content that typically appears on the NCLEX-RN examination.
  • UNIQUE! Priority Concepts - two in each chapter - discuss important content and nursing interventions, and reflect the latest edition of Giddens' Concepts for Nursing Practice text.
  • UNIQUE! Priority Nursing Action boxes provide information about the steps you will take in clinical situations requiring clinical judgment and prioritization.
  • UNIQUE! Audio review summaries on Evolve cover pharmacology, acid-base balance, and fluids and electrolytes.
  • New graduate's perspective is offered on how to prepare for the NCLEX-RN, in addition to nonacademic preparation, the CAT format, and test-taking strategies.
  • Mnemonics are included to help you remember important information.
  • Alternate item format questions cover multiple response, prioritizing [ordered response], fill-in-the-blank, figure/illustration [hot spot], chart/exhibit, video, and audio questions.
  • 75-question comprehensive exam in the book covers all content areas in the book in the same percentages that they are covered on the actual NCLEX-RN test plan.
  • Practice questions on Evolve are organized by content area, cognitive level, client needs area, integrated process, health problem, clinical judgment, and priority concepts, allowing completely customizable exams or study sessions.
  • NEW! Next Generation NCLEX(R) (NGN) examination-style questions
  • prepare you for the biggest change to the NCLEX-RN(R) test plan to date.
  • NEW! Thoroughly updated content incorporates clinical updates and reflects the latest NCLEX-RN test plan.
  • NEW! Clinical Judgment boxes identify clinical judgment situations, each addressing one of the six cognitive skills of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model.
  • NEW! Additional questions cover health problem areas and complex care.
  • NEW! Urinary and Bowel Elimination and Hygiene, Mobility, and Skin Integrity chapters are added to this edition.
  • Sociology: A Brief Introduction Loose Leaf

    Sociology: A Brief Introduction Loose Leaf

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    Sociology: A Brief Introduction invites students to take sociology with them in their daily lives. This successful student-friendly program includes strong coverage of race, ethnicity, and globalization. The approachable material encourages students to develop their sociological imaginations and start to think like a sociologist. Paired with McGraw Hill Connect(R), a personal and adaptive learning experience, students learn to apply sociology's three theoretical frameworks to the world around them.


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    Bowman/Kearney/Scavo's STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, 11th edition equips you with the knowledge and tools to develop your own well-informed positions on the divisive issues currently facing our nation. This bestseller delivers comprehensive coverage of institutions, political behavior and policymaking at the state and local level and highlights politics at the grassroots level. Thoroughly updated, the new edition includes expansive coverage of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on state and local government as well as insight on how local governments are attempting to deal with global climate change.
    Strategies for Student Success on the Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) Test Items

    Strategies for Student Success on the Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) Test Items

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    Master NGN test-taking skills and prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX(R) exam! Strategies for Student Success on the Next Generation NCLEX(R) (NGN) Test Items includes stand-alone and unfolding case studies and the new item types that appear on the NGN, helping you develop the clinical judgment skills emphasized on the exam. To enhance your learning, each practice test item includes a detailed test-taking strategy and rationales for both correct and incorrect answers. Case studies let you strengthen key cognitive skills, and additional questions are provided on the Evolve website. Written by NCLEX experts Linda Anne Silvestri, Angela E. Silvestri, and Donna D. Ignatavicius, this NCLEX preparation resource ensures that you are NGN exam-ready!

  • Next Generation NCLEX(R)-style practice questions
  • of all types are illustrated through stand-alone case studies and unfolding case studies directed toward each of the six cognitive skills.
  • Detailed test-taking strategy for each question provides clues for analyzing and uncovering the correct answer option.
  • NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (NCJMM) is included throughout with case scenarios that integrate the six clinical judgment cognitive skills.
  • In-depth rationales include both correct and incorrect answers.
  • NGN Tip boxes highlight the most important nursing concepts needed for exam success.
  • Additional resources on the Evolve website allow you to interactively engage with each question from the book plus additional questions.
  • Supervisors' Safety Manual

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    The Little Seagull Handbook w/exercises

    The Little Seagull Handbook w/exercises

    $26.75 - $35.75
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    The Little Seagull Handbook is the #1 best-selling handbook because it's easy to use, easy to afford, and covers everything students need--no more, no less. Intuitive organization, color coding, and jargon-free instruction for common kinds of writing make it a reference tool that student writers truly rely on. This edition includes new advice designed for developing writers, new advice for using inclusive language, and two new complete model student essays using MLA and APA documentation.
    The Little Seagull Handbook w/exercises 2021 MLA update

    The Little Seagull Handbook w/exercises 2021 MLA update

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    Easy to use and easy to afford, The Little Seagull Handbook is the #1 brief handbook because students say it has a positive impact on their writing. Intuitive organization, color-coding, and jargon-free instruction for common kinds of writing make it a reference tool that student writers truly use. This edition includes NEW advice for conducting research as it's done online today, NEW student model essays, and a NEW chapter on writing summary/response essays.

    The Little Seagull Handbook, MLA Update Edition features the latest documentation guidelines from the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook (2021).



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    This Land Was Theirs: A Study of Native North Americans, Ninth Edition, examines the traditional and contemporary lifeways of twelve North American Indian tribes. Ranging from the Netsilik hunters who straddle the Arctic Circle to the Natchez farmers of the lower Mississippi River area, the tribes represent each culture area and various levels of socioeconomic complexity among Native Americans. After introductory chapters devoted to pan-tribal issues, each chapter focuses on a specific group and culture area, providing students with a detailed portrait of the geographical and cultural adaptations of that region.

    As he has done for previous editions, author Wendell H. Oswalt has visited virtually all of the extant groups discussed in the text in order to ensure an accurate record of the present-day situation.

    Features of the Ninth Edition
    *Each chapter on an extant tribal group now includes a table with a timeline summarizing the group's ethnohistory
    *Includes an expanded section on the original peopling of the Americas
    *Emphasizes the major issues band and tribal governments in North America face today
    *Addresses the increasingly important diamond mining industry in Canada and the Subarctic
    *Includes more than 150 illustrations and chapter-opening native poems or songs
    *Offers expanded coverage of the Navajo, the transcontinental railroad's impact on Indian life, and contemporary issues encountered on reservations

    Provides pedagogical aids including maps of each region discussed, a glossary, a pronunciation guide, and two appendices: a guide to artifacts and a list of additional resources for further study



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    The fascinating portrayal of the Cherokee nation, filled with Native American legend, lore, and religion -- a gripping American drama of power, politics, betrayal, and ambition.

    B & W photographs



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    Discover a clear, straightforward explanation of both current operating system theory and today�s practices within UNDERSTANDING OPERATING SYSTEMS, 8E. This leading book's proven approach begins with a valuable discussion of fundamentals before introducing specific operating systems. Fully updated, timely content offers an expanded analysis of how modern innovations, such as multi-core processing and wireless technologies, have impacted today�s operating systems. Revised Research Topics within this edition�s practical exercises encourage you to research emerging and influential topics on your own. In addition, updates throughout the final four chapters now highlight information on the most current versions of UNIX (including the latest Macintosh OS), Linux, Windows, and Android to equip you with the contemporary knowledge and skills you need to working most effectively with today�s systems.


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    Filled with current topics and relevant examples that illuminate the content, Mooney, Knox, and Schacht's UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL PROBLEMS provides you with a comprehensive, theoretically balanced exploration of social problems. The text progresses from a micro to macro level of analysis, focusing first on such problems as illness and health care, drugs and alcohol, and family problems, and then broadening to the larger issues of poverty and inequality, population growth, aging, environmental problems, and conflict around the world. The social problem in each chapter is framed in a global as well as a U.S. context. In addition, the three major theoretical perspectives are applied to the problem under discussion, and its consequences -- as well as alternative solutions -- are explored. Features such as "The Human Side" and "Self and Society" enable you to grasp how social problems affect the lives of individuals and apply your understanding of social problems to your own life.


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    **Selected for Doody's Core Titles(R) 2024 in Psychiatric** Gain the essential knowledge and skills you need to succeed as a psychiatric nurse! Varcarolis' Essentials of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: A Communication Approach to Evidence Based Care, 5th Edition provides a concise, easy-to-understand guide to today's leading psychiatric theories and therapeutic modalities. Emphasizing evidence-based care, the book balances coverage of scientifically based treatment approaches with insights into effective communication skills, so you will be prepared to offer the best possible care when you enter practice. Written by nursing expert Chyllia D. Fosbre, this edition adds new Next Generation NCLEX(R) (NGN) examination-style case studies to help you develop critical thinking skills and prepare for the NGN exam.

  • Applying Critical Judgment questions introduce clinical situations in psychiatric nursing and encourage critical thinking.
  • Neurobiology of the Brain feature includes illustrations depicting how a disorder affects brain function and how drugs help to mitigate the symptoms.
  • Applying Evidence-Based Practice boxes in the clinical chapters pose a question, walk you through the process of gathering evidence-based data from a variety of sources, and present a plan of care based on the evidence.
  • Vignettes describe real-world psychiatric patients and their disorders.
  • Assessment Guidelines boxes summarize the steps of patient assessment for various disorders.
  • Applying the Art boxes offer clinical scenarios demonstrating the interaction between a nurse and a patient, the nurse's perception of the interaction, and the mental health nursing concepts in play.
  • Potential Nursing Diagnoses tables list possible nursing diagnoses for a particular disorder, based on ICNP terminology, along with the associated signs and symptoms.
  • Nursing Interventions tables list interventions for a given disorder or clinical situation, along with rationales for each intervention.
  • DSM-5 Criteria boxes identify the diagnostic criteria for most major disorders.
  • Integrative Care boxes highlight the different types of therapy may be used to enhance treatment.
  • Giddens Concept boxes at the beginning of each chapter tie concepts to the topics to be discussed.
  • NEW! Next Generation NCLEX
  • (R) (NGN) examination-style case studies are included in the clinical disorders chapters to promote critical thinking and help to prepare you for the NGN exam.


    $110.75 - $147.50
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    Building on We the People's?unparalleled focus on participation and the citizen's role, new coauthor Megan Ming Francis uses her experience as an instructor and scholar of race and ethnicity politics to?energize coverage of race and social movements. New Check Your Understanding questions--in both print and ebook formats--motivate students and builds confidence in their learning. In the Norton Illumine Ebook Check Your Understanding questions include rich answer-feedback that helps students practice their learning. InQuizitive activities confirm chapter-level understanding and allow students to practice applying essential concepts.
    Western Civilizations Vol I

    Western Civilizations Vol I

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    In this timely revision of their beloved #1 Western Civ text, authors Joshua Cole and Carol Symes help students see the relevance of history to their own lives and concerns. New material helps students think critically about the emergence of Western ideals, such as democracy and equality, and their intersection with the invention of race and other forms of difference. Coupled with the text are dynamic pedagogical resources, including the new Norton Illumine Ebook that promotes student accountability and improves preparation through engaging and motivational features that illuminate core concepts for students in a supportive, low-stakes environment.